Confident Crew

Confident Crew is directed by Dr Melissa Giglio, to provide intensive treatment for children with Selective Mutism and Social Anxiety Disorder. Together with Dr Giglio, a small group of counsellors and interns with Confident Crew training will ensure that each participant will receive 1:1 support and a treatment plan tailored to the individual child.

Confident Crew is based on the Brave Buddies and Mighty Mouth programs, developed by Dr Steven Kurtz. Dr Giglio supported the development of the multi-day intensive model while at the NYU Child Study Center in 2009.

  • Children presenting with, or diagnosed with Selective Mutism or Social Anxiety Disorder between the ages of 3 and 9.

  • Confident Crew is open to current and new clients who have been determined as eligible by Dr Giglio.

  • Children not currently clients of Dr Giglio's have to participate in 1-2 'lead-in' sessions with her, to determine if the program is appropriate